The conservationist who pretended to eat tiger meat to save it from extinction
by Belén Hernández on EL PAÍS - Planeta Futuro - Madrid - October 21, 2021 WHAT MOVES... KARL AMMANN Karl Ammann has spent 10 years...

The next level of tiger farming
And the latest way to commodify tigers in China. I know of two safari parks where the main hotel has tigers in the atrium in the center,...

This is what happens in China
From: KIEFEL Kilian [] Sent: Thursday, September 30, 2021 4:04 PM To: Karl Amann; 'Laurin Merz' Cc: NODALE...

Mediawan Rights Fast-Tracks Dedicated Doc Unit, Scores Key Deals on ‘Green Blood,’ ‘Tiger Mafia’
By Elsa Keslassy - Published on - April 14, 2021 (EXCLUSIVE) Mediawan Rights, the commercial division of French...

Louise de Waal's letter to South African Government Officials
From: Blood Lions | Louise de Waal Sent: Monday, November 16, 2020 10:26 AM To: 'Paul Daphne'; 'Ofentse Kgomotso Mashiyane'; South Africa...

Online questions live from viewers of Four Paws World Premiere of The Tiger Mafia (limited viewing)
Good evening and welcome to the premiere of Tiger Mafia, we will be starting in a few minutes. Question from anonymous user Anonymous...

12th NOVEMBER 2020 18.00PM – 21.00PM GMT 11th November 2020– The new documentary “The Tiger Mafia” by Karl Ammann exposes shocking...

Tracking The Tiger Butcher
Large numbers of tigers are being farmed, killed and trafficked in Laos. Terrence McCoy - Published in Reader's Digest on Jul 29, 2020...

Animals as Commerce
An Integrated Curriculum For The Washington Post Newspaper In Education Program February 14, 2020 ©2020 THE WASHINGTON POST INTRODUCTION:...