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Online questions live from viewers of Four Paws World Premiere of The Tiger Mafia (limited viewing)

Good evening and welcome to the premiere of Tiger Mafia, we will be starting in a few minutes.

Question from anonymous user


6:14 PM

As someone who once rescued a tiger, I just wanted to say - before it even starts - THANK YOU for making this. I can already tell from the trailer that this is going to be epic.

Question from anonymous user


6:21 PM

Thank you and bless you for confronting this holocaust.

Question from anonymous user


6:23 PM

What can each of us do to stop this HELL?

reply from Moderator


6:24 PM

We'll answer this question during the QnA. Until then, you can see more information about our campaign on tiger trade here:

Question from Sankalp


6:28 PM

Can now after Such a Covid lesson , can and will other countries pressurize and force the countries responsible for this trade to shut it down or face consequences ?

Question from Gerri


6:36 PM

Got it THNX!

Question from Cristine


6:45 PM

People suck, this is so disappointing. I feel desperate for these animals. This kind of thing seems so rife, how can we change this? I feel helpless.

Question from Rasa


6:49 PM

Is there a plan in motion to have each country report their captive tiger numbers? Or at least in Europe or USA?

Question from Rasa


6:53 PM

Is there a possibility to shut down Tiger Kingdom as they are breaking international laws?

Question from Rasa


6:56 PM

How can we know, if tigers are kept in appropriate conditions? Is there a list of zoos that are recognized by four-paws or similar trustworthy organization as appropriate?

Question from Andrey Kushlin (EndPandemics.Earth)

Andrey Kushlin (EndPandemics.Earth)

6:57 PM

When will the film be available on YouTube or other pubilc platform?

Question from Letty


6:58 PM

Its not Tiger Kingdom but Tiger hell

Question from Rasa


7:00 PM

How can tigers be starved to death? Aren't there any animal welfare laws in China or in fact in Asia in general?

Question from Tanja


7:06 PM

Even this is very hard to watch - thank you for shedding light on this important issue. Like tigers, lions in South Africa are also bred for for so called "Canned Hunting" and for the lion bone trade. Disgusting!

Question from paul chapman

paul chapman

7:06 PM

whens all this cruelty ever going too stop cant believe these countries allow this too happen its disgraceful

Question from anonymous user


7:06 PM

Do the products made from tigers enter the United States? What are the legal ramifications?

Question from anonymous user


7:07 PM

How can pressure be applied to the Chinese government to stop their inhumane treatment of tigers and other animals?

Question from Christina


7:17 PM

At one time the WWF had a ridiculous (as far as I'm concerned) plan to try to introduce Siberian tigers (I think it was - a non native sub species anyways) into Cambodia. Do you know anything about this? I know they were actively working to make it happen a couple of years ago. I think it's a doomed plan that should be abandoned and hope that's what has happened.

Question from Emma


7:17 PM

This is utterly disgusting. How can this be going in the world in 2020. What is wrong with these people, how anyone can mistreat an animal is beyond me and I will never understand it. Can this be stopped and these countries held accountable?

Question from anonymous user


7:17 PM

i´m so fed up with this world of nonsense.. how can you pressure these countries to stop this brutal traditions when their mafias have all the power?

Question from paul chapman

paul chapman

7:17 PM

china has alot too answer for ,alot of animals are on the brink of extinction more needs too happen to these people before they are all gone humans are like locusts we are slowly destrying everything so sad no respect for anything

Question from anonymous user


7:17 PM

What international medical / health group can raise hell about the wet / warm markets still happening in China, Vietnam and Laos?

Question from Pilar


7:17 PM

i´m so fed up with this world of nonsense.. how can you pressure these countries to stop this brutal traditions when their mafias have all the power?

Question from Anonymous


7:17 PM

Clearly this is about changing a culture of crulety, but how do we do that? With all the corruption & the fact that governments/governing bodies like CITES seem to turn a blind eye who will stand up to any country complicit in this? It seems like an impossible task. Thank you for this film, we need more honesty when it comes to telling the story of wildlife!

Question from anonymous user


7:18 PM

Does the UN regulate the Special Regions that China uses in Burma, etc. to exploit animals.

Question from anonymous user


7:21 PM

Does posting all this photage and information publicly not put karl and his teams life in danger? Most of the illeagle traffickers wont be happy about it if they see it. Doesnt this pose a threat to the team?

Question from Virginia, New Zealanders for Endangered Wildlife

Virginia, New Zealanders for Endangered Wildlife

7:25 PM

Surely the WHO needs to be made accountable for its role in validating Chinese traditional medicine (TCM) last year at the World Health Assembly in Geneva and it be demanded that it be removed from the WHO compendium of alleged cures? There is absolutely no scientific proof as to the efficacy of TCM, The WHO decision has surely exacerabated the illegal wildlife trade because of its endorsement of TCM which is appalling.

Question from Juliana


7:26 PM

What is being done to address the consumer market for wildlife parts in China and southeast Asia? How successful have campaigns targeting urban consumers been to date?

Question from Denise


7:26 PM

What is Karl working on at the moment? (Thank you for the movie)

Question from LL


7:26 PM

as a response to Christina about reintroducing Siberian tigers to Cambodja: that must have been Kazakstan. Not Cambodja.

Question from anonymous user


7:26 PM

Karl Ammann and associates - my greatest thanks for caring about Tigers and putting yourselves on the line to make this film.

Question from Christina


7:28 PM

Response to LL it was definitely Cambodia. I was living there at the time.

Question from Bruno


7:29 PM

While there is a desire for tiger products, specialy across a growing Asian market, will it be possible to stop these farms? And is it possible to educate (mostly) chinese people that their believes of the special properties of tiger products are not real? Meaning stop it at the root of the human desire instead of at the providing level

Question from anonymous user


7:29 PM

If we can't appeal to their morals or ethics, could the world not impose some type of internatinal sanctions or freeze the bank accounts of the king pins? Would not hitting them financially be a way to help stop this trade?

Question from Juliana


7:34 PM

China and Vietnam have claimed they are banning wildlife trade since the outbreak of COVID-19, but won't this drive the trade underground if the demand remains? Is there any data showing whether the outbreak has changed local consumption patterns of wildlife meat and parts?

Question from anonymous user


7:34 PM

Now the film is public, what will happen to the Asian investigators whose faces are shown in the film? What about their safety? Hope they are and stay safe!

Question from paul chapman

paul chapman

7:35 PM

how are we ever going too stop this ???

Question from anonymous user


7:35 PM

it seems so ridiculous, that china scans every political or artical on wechat, but let´s the sale of tigeritems slid go by unnoticed

Question from Mary Ting

Mary Ting

7:35 PM

Given the mandate to promote TCM via BRI countries, the expansion and further diversification of such products and new ones is likely. The blood bead products whether tiger or elephants is just one example...are the statements that Taobao and Alibaba are working with Oxford Martin to crack down on social media meaningful? But likely not meaningful, what do you think? Mere green washing.

Question from Alice Pasqualato

Alice Pasqualato

7:36 PM

Unfortunately have to log off, but I wanted to leave a comment before I go. This is honestly SO hard to watch, I can't imagine what it felt like to make it. Very thankful for your work, will try to spread the word about what I learnt today. Please keep up the good fight.

Question from Karl Peters

Karl Peters

7:37 PM

Thanks for sharing this important film. I would like to know if it will be available for purchase on DVD or Bluray as I would like to share it with others.

Question from anonymous user


7:40 PM

Why are foreign embassies in these countries extremely reluctant to comment or do anything...the US Embassy guy interviewed lied throught his teeth.

Question from anonymous user


7:40 PM

Why is CITES (United Nations group) not addressing this problem effectively?

Question from Anonymous


7:40 PM

Amazing Work. Thank you for sharing

Question from Cristine


7:40 PM

The thing is, that the peopel in power are all getting a hand out from this horrendous trade. If they were genuinely interested in fixing the problem, they have to power to do it. BUT they dont want to. Humans are disgusting.

Question from Lea


7:41 PM

are there any succesful, international conservation programs left, which still try to keep the wild tigerpopulation alive? And if so, how can one support them?

Question from Tine


7:41 PM

First of all I would like to thank Karl for his tremendous passion and courage to go on for year and years in collecting data and keep trying to get the right people to wanting to accept and do something.. Thank you, so much Karl.

Question from anonymous user


7:42 PM

As long as there is demand there will trade

Question from Cristine


7:42 PM

Thank you Karl.

Question from Carolin


7:43 PM

What about the education of the younger asian generation, don't they realise this is wrong and how do they react on trafficking and using wildlife for fake medicine?

Question from Did start at 6pm

Did start at 6pm

7:44 PM

Brilliant Film seen this man before, he has done brilliant job of exposing this awful trade.

Question from How can normal people spread this Message, ..What could be the Most effecting Help

How can normal people spread this Message, ..What could be the Most effecting Help

7:44 PM

For "for normal" people like for example .

Question from anonymous user


7:44 PM

What is your plan for this film? Will there be a campaign to drive awareness with it?

Question from Louise de Waal - Blood Lions

Louise de Waal - Blood Lions

7:44 PM

Thank you so much Karl for all the hard and dangerous work you have put into the making of this important film. Sadly, the story has so many synergies with the commercial lion breeding industry in South Africa as well as legal and illegal trade links. We can see an increase in tiger breeding in SA that goes under the radar to some extent as tigers are considered an exotic species. An extremely unethical development is the cross-breeding of lion and tigers. Have you come across liger products for sale in SE Asia?

Question from Ruth


7:45 PM

Have there been any campaigns to target consumers who use Tao Bao and WeChat to put pressure on the companies to stop providing a platform for these traffickers and sellers?

Question from How can normal people spread this Message, ..What could be the Most effecting Help

How can normal people spread this Message, ..What could be the Most effecting Help

7:45 PM


Question from anonymous user


7:46 PM

How can one provide help and change from far away, what can we do and where can we go to offer support?

Question from Lea


7:47 PM

How is it even possible that there can be tigers or other endangered species held as pets in the usa and their owner face no legal actions?

Question from Mary Ting

Mary Ting

7:47 PM

Less about cultural traditions but more about the government sponsorship of wildlife farming as poverty eradication combined with the promotion of TCM using raw rare parts as a patriotic duty and under COVID TCM usage is up - a major cultural shift is not likely. Kirin, that was me, Mary Ting

Question from anonymous user


7:48 PM

Christina hat recht, hier ein link zu einer deutschen Seite:

Question from Darina


7:48 PM

Would the film be made available worldwide via streaming or network channels?

Question from Izzy


7:49 PM

Karl- do you feel that you and your team are endangering yourselves by broadcasting this documentary? How will this impact your ability to continue campaigning against tiger trafficking?

Question from Oma Viti

Oma Viti

7:49 PM

Thank you so much for this intense movie. A question for the producer and director of the movie. How did you find Karl and who financed the movie?

Question from anna pes

anna pes

7:49 PM

Firstly, I would like to thank Karl for his work, which is extremely valued. I have a few questions that can be summarized: why is tiger cub petting (and baby animals petting in general) business tolerated, even in the Western countries, in which we generally are against captivity? Why is baby animals petting said to have "educational purposes" even if it is clear that animals are forced to behave unnaturally? moreover, why people are starting to think that these kind of experiences that include a close and unnatural contact with animals (zoos, theme parks...) is approved and sustained?

Question from Tine


7:49 PM

If I understand it correctly, the status issue is actually the drive behind all this cruelty. Not as much the culture, I believe...Do you think being so diplomatic all the time, is at all helping? Or does it give them the space to do what they like anyway and laugh in our face ?

Question from bruce


7:49 PM

how can an international legal agency be created that will have enforcement powers?

Question from Andy Park

Andy Park

7:50 PM

I appreciate that point, but isn't the consumption of these wild species fundamental to the practice of traditional Chinese Medicine? And if persuasion is feasible, can enough practitioners be persuaded to have a positive impact?

Question from karen


7:51 PM

thank you much for giving me the opportunity to see this flim and the plight of all wild animals. I need to leave now, best wishes karen

Question from anonymous user


7:51 PM

Is it still legal in China, even with the new legislation, to farm tigers for medicine purposes?

Question from Kay


7:52 PM

There is a movement to get the pharmacists on board with the refusal to sell TCM. Evidence based criteria is required to convince the purchasers that most of the products from endangered wildlife do not work. Sadly Bear bile works in some treatments but there are 52 other plant based products that work just as well. Cruelty and greed is not acceptable and the mind set has got to change. Education is the key, younger generations have to lead the how do we do it?

Question from Sépidéh


7:53 PM

Is there really nothing that the United Nations can do to put pressure on these countries to ban this horrible traffic? Is there no any international claim undergoing from the United Nations - which could have an effect on these governments?

Question from sahel


7:53 PM

do you show this great movie also in china and public television in the us europe etc?

Question from Caroline


7:53 PM

Have there been many successes in prosecuting those selling, trading, killing tigers and tiger parts?

Question from AS


7:54 PM

A comment rather than an observation. Despite all this and the outset of the pandemic, authorities in Myanmar have provided a legitimate spring board for captive breeding in the country. The 22 tigers left are under even more threat

Question from anonymous user


7:54 PM

Are western (or Russian) politicians motivated enough to bring diplomatic and economic pressure to bear on the asian governments who could stop this? [Also: the film was amazing - thank you for making it.]

Question from anonymous user


7:56 PM

Introducing any concept of animal rights/welfare into some of these countries seems impossible (or very distant) - what can be done to change government priorities?

Question from anonymous user


7:56 PM

I have to go but thanks for sharing this amazing work!

Question from Rasa


7:57 PM

So happy to hear about the streeming!

Question from GOc


7:57 PM

Maybe people will ask for 'vegan' TCM, which will change TCM, albeit very slowly. Regarding cruelty to animals and destruction to the environment, its like the grafetti message Karl mentioned, we need to wake up and become human. Films like this will help for sure! Thank you for making it! Will it become more freely available to share widely? Perhpas blurring Karl and his associate's faces is important.

Question from Christina


7:57 PM

It was my understanding that Tiger Kingdom had been shut down. Is this not the case? Are they still operating as shown in the film? And if not does anyone know what has happened to the tigers?

Question from anonymous user


7:58 PM

Where do karl and his team get the money for this stuff? Im pretty sure its expensive

Question from Dinella


7:58 PM

Thank you Karl for your incredible work! I would like to ask : Will farm breeding be the future of big cats? This makes me really sad... And eventually, do you think that people will accept this kind of "method", because they may think that it is better to keeping alive the species, even in an artificial way, in comparison with make them risk in the natural habitat?

Question from Paddy


8:00 PM

Whilst there is patently little or no political will to address the issue i those countries where these atrocities are taking place, do you believe there is any genuine political will to address it across the west, in the UK, the US, the EU and those places with sufficient economic and political influence to make a difference? Or do they simply also play lip service to the issue so long as it does not impact their commercial and political interests? It seems to me that if this cannot be addressed and rectified at the highest levels of international politics then the battle will be lost? Would you agree?

Question from Varpu


8:00 PM

As a response to Cristina: it was the Tiger Temple that was shut down, not Tiger Kingdom.

Question from Mary Ting

Mary Ting

8:00 PM

Less about cultural traditions but more about the government sponsorship of wildlife farming as poverty eradication combined with the promotion of TCM using raw rare parts as a patriotic duty and under COVID TCM usage is up - a major cultural shift is not likely. Kirin, that was me, Mary Ting

Question from Tine


8:01 PM

Is it an option to present this documetary to every parlement in Europe, the Europian union and in doing so, enforce them to take a stand angainst this situation of endangered species? Or has it been tried alrerady?

Question from Cows, sheep and chickens are not endangered species

Cows, sheep and chickens are not endangered species

8:03 PM

Cows, sheep and chickens are not endangered

Question from Cows, sheep and chickens are not endangered species

Cows, sheep and chickens are not endangered species

8:04 PM

As an educator, it is essential that we must use education to raise awareness about wildlife and the environment.

Question from anonymous user


8:06 PM

Good evening, firstly Iwant to compliment Karl for his hard work and for having shown us this inconvenient truth. My question is the following: To what extent would the spreading of exotic animals kept as "domestic animals" lower people's guard on tigers' conservation and contribute to their extinction and to their farm breeding?

Question from Mark


8:06 PM

Is the issue of habitat destruction just as important as halting this horrible trade? Humans have always hunted animals but the effect was not the same in millenia past when the human population was so small and the wildlife numbers so much higher?

Question from Mary Ting

Mary Ting

8:06 PM

Kirin, I am the artist that did the Guanyin ivory, Chinese painting and slaughtered elephant imagery. We met at AFA Kathmandu..will email you.

Question from Carole Kim Makena

Carole Kim Makena

8:07 PM

Thank you for creating such a hard-hitting documentary exposing the realities of the illegal wildlife trade, a difficult watch, but a documentary that everyone should see.

Question from lisa


8:07 PM

We have seen the environmental damage from farming for meat, we should strongly resist the farming of our wildlife too. Wildlife when left to the natural its activities tends to improve its environment or it would not survive.

Question from Cows, sheep and chickens are not endangered species

Cows, sheep and chickens are not endangered species

8:08 PM

A sobering and disturbing documentary Karl but thank you very much for your courage and tenacity in putting it together. It needs to be widely shown to raise awareness.

Question from Christina


8:08 PM

Question from anonymous user


8:09 PM

Are Tiger products coming out of the United States to feed demand in China / Vietnam?

Question from anonymous user


8:09 PM

What can each one of us do from far away to support the stopping of wildlife selling? Where does one start?

Question from Virginia (New Zealanders for Endangered Wildlife)

Virginia (New Zealanders for Endangered Wildlife)

8:10 PM

A sobering and disturbing documentary Karl but thank you very much for your courage and tenacity in putting it together. It indeed needs to be widely shown to raise awareness.

Question from Laura


8:11 PM

Literally heartbreaking. Thank you for your incredible important work. A huge thank you also for organizing this event! I hope this documentary will get the reach it deserves once it will be streamed on big platforms. Greetings from Switzerland, Laura

Question from Izzy


8:11 PM

How is the pandemic impacting the trade of tigers/tiger parts? Are we seeing reduced trade because of closed boarders etc, or is trafficking expected to increase?

Question from anonymous user


8:11 PM

Some organisations actively close dog meat farms etc. and rescue the animals, is anything similar achieved for tiger farms or are they too large scale?

Question from anonymous user


8:11 PM

What can we do against it?

Question from Charlotte


8:14 PM

As an educator, I teach children to "Connect the dots". For canned lion hunting this is to show the connction between taking cubs away from lionesses, cub petting, walking and then canned hunting. For rhino poaching, that it is everything from the poacher to the kingpins to the consumer. In every instance there are different ways to combat the scourge. I encourage the children to think wildly of ways to combat - they are the future and this is there future we are destroying. Just maybe one some their wild ideas will make a difference.

Question from LL


8:15 PM

Have to go, thank you all very much for enabling us to watch this film.

Question from anonymous user


8:16 PM

The repeated captive breeding can also lead in creating a week gene pool and will make them vulnerable to many unknown diseases and won't there any chance of effecting those who consume those tiger??

Question from Virginia (New Zealanders for Endangered Wildlife)

Virginia (New Zealanders for Endangered Wildlife)

8:16 PM

Can you get either Amazon or Prime or Netflix to show this documentary like Sir David Attenborough has done?

reply from Moderator


8:17 PM

discussions are already happening and we're hoping to have it streaming in 2021

Question from anonymous user


8:17 PM

Why do we have the sense that CITES is turning a blind eye to this? It seems they know and choose to ignore it - which effectively would mean they are useless.

Question from sahel


8:17 PM

what about showing it in schools?

Question from Pauline


8:17 PM

Have to leave, but I wanted to thank everyone especially Karl, and the team, and Four Paws for all their work

Question from anonymous user


8:17 PM

Thank you for explaining the moral issues for films about Tiger exploitation - Tiger Mafia vs Tiger King. I hope you can become the messenger to extend the reality partly shown in Tiger King. The audience is there though much smaller.

Question from anonymous user


8:21 PM

Ultimately there are no rules for animal welfare in zoos in these problem countries. Other countries have accredited zoos etc.

Question from Mark


8:22 PM

It is probably the best time ever in the last few years to raise the importance of conservation and appropriate relationships with our animal cousins as the cause of the pandemic show clearly that this has gone badly wrong.

Question from Bim


8:23 PM

Karl I saw a similar documentary made by Addo Kane and it was aired in the UK early this year, are you aware of it and if yes what are your thoughts on this documentary

Question from Louise de Waal - Blood Lions

Louise de Waal - Blood Lions

8:23 PM

Ultimately, any facility that offers ANY interaction or performances with captive wildlife is unethical and should raise alarm bells.


8:24 PM

Thank you Karl for the risks you've taken to gather this evidence and to everyone involved in making this film. The scale of the farming and demand is shocking. So much work to do to raise awareness as expect most people have no idea.

Question from olivia


8:24 PM

are younger generations participating in the tiger trade or are we just waiting for "older generations/leaders" in the illegal trade to pass away and we will see a natural decline as 'woke' younger generations demand a better world?

Question from Izzy


8:25 PM

Is there anywhere we can report animal welfare issues at such 'conservation' centres if we encounter that as tourists?

Question from Christina


8:25 PM

Is GFAS (Global Federation of Animal Sanctuaries) a reputable source of good information on ethical sanctuaries?

Question from Erich


8:25 PM

Thank you to everyone who was involved in this film and trying to make the world a little better for animals!

Question from Laura


8:27 PM

@Izzy, have a look here: Best wishes, Laura

Question from Sankalp


8:27 PM

A big big Thank to Karl for bringing this our , this was definitely worth getting a late sleep in my country its 14 o clock 😂 , but really this is just great from Karl , we will definitely try to build pressure on our govt to pressurize the Criminal countries 🙏

Question from Donna


8:27 PM

Obviously a completly barbaric, disgraceful trade! Do you not agree though, that we in the west are complicit in the murder of millions of pet animals in kill shelters every year? No organization or film makers seems unduly interested in helping them?! I know that they are not as rare but they are still living beings like tigers! I totally agree of course,that this trade in tigers should be stopped!

Question from Bine


8:29 PM

Could you tell again the names of the participants? Thank you

reply from Moderator


8:29 PM

hi. sure. Karl Ammann (director), Laurin Merz (HOOK film) and Kieran Harkin (FOUR PAWS)

Question from Charlotte


8:29 PM

South African Tourism Services Association have produced excellent guidelines for ethical tourism related to animal interactions in tourism: "Evaluating captive wildlife attractions & activities".

Question from anonymous user


8:30 PM

Karl and the rest of the team did an incredible job. Principled, talented, and extremely brave - investigative journalism at its best. Also while I'm here... everyone who watches this should also watch the documentary Earthlings (on Youtube).

Question from Moderator


8:30 PM

In case anyone is interested in contacting the filmmakers, please check their official website:

Millie Burns

8:37 PM

Not a question, just a huge thank you for your commitment and work.

Question from bruce


8:39 PM

Can a global court be established that can arrest violators, and sanction nations?

Question from Rasa


8:39 PM

Just saw you image in Happy to see my country has illegal status of captive and circus tigers, but is there progress in other countries of implementing these laws as well?

Question from Jeff Schreiner

Jeff Schreiner

8:40 PM

I am a last year veterinary student, specializing in exotic and wild animals. I would love to support you. Is there a current project (Question maybe for four paws?) where I could offer my professional expertise and help right away as a vet? Do you have any contacts for me? Greetings currently from Austria! Jeff Schreiner (schreiner_jeff on Instagram)

reply from Moderator


8:44 PM

Hi Jeff, that you for participating today and for expressing interest in working together with us! All our current job listings are on our website: If there is currently no suitable position advertised, please note we also welcome unsolicited applications. You can find all details on the website!

Question from Anonymous


8:42 PM

Any bright future for jaguars, defined as "American tigers", with better enforcement for tigers? Or, will we see an increase of international trade of jaguar parts to replace tiger parts?

Question from Moderator


8:43 PM

For more information about the RuthlessTrade campaign, go here:

Question from Julie


8:44 PM

We has humans have a lot to answer for. It's all to do with greed and corruption. It's heartbreaking to watch this documentary and thank you Karl for putting all this evidence together. You are very brave. Tigers are such majestic animals and it would be really sad for the tiger to become extinct :( T

Question from Ola Jennersten, it is possible to se tigers in Sariska today and in several Indian National parks.

Ola Jennersten, it is possible to se tigers in Sariska today and in several Indian National parks.

8:44 PM

Reintroduction of tigers in Indian nationalparks like Sariska and Panna has been very successful!


8:48 PM

You can sign the petition here:

Question from Carole Kim Makena

Carole Kim Makena

8:51 PM

As part of the Four Paws campaign, will they also be looking at the commercial lion bone trade in South Africa, and also given that this feeds into the tiger bone trade.

Question from Tom Svensson

Tom Svensson

8:51 PM

We know EU is a problem what so you think about the trade in USA

Question from Virginia (New Zealanders for Endangered Wildlife)

Virginia (New Zealanders for Endangered Wildlife)

8:51 PM

Where is the 4Paws petition? Thanks to 4Paws for the work you do.

reply from Moderator


8:51 PM

Question from So telling/showing the truth could be a criminal act...

So telling/showing the truth could be a criminal act...

8:51 PM

what about more people write to CITES - they have the power;

Question from Karl Amann deserves the Guardian Angel of the Year award!

Karl Amann deserves the Guardian Angel of the Year award!

8:52 PM

Has anyone mentioned the federal bill to end cub handling and phase out private possession yet? We have a majority in Congress as co sponsors of the Big Cat Public Safety Act

Question from Bine


8:53 PM

Thank You - it was great !



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